/* global define, module, TangibleKeyboard */
* #### Overview ####
* The I-PAC 2 is a 32-input keyboard emulator manufactured by
* <a href="http://www.ultimarc.com/">Ultimarc</a>. It is mostly used in arcade game
* simulators but is also a popular way to connect switches in physical computing
* projects. This layout will enable you to specify bindings using the labels printed on
* the I-PAC 2 board (`1RGHT`, `2B`, `1SW6`, etc.). This will save you from having to
* look up which keycodes are triggered by which inputs.
* #### Usage ####
* Using it is quite simple. Simply link to the file and call the `setLayout()` method
* with the `ipac2` identifier:
* <script src="tangiblekeyboard.js"></script>
* <script src="layouts/tangiblekeyboard.layout.ipac2.js"></script>
* <script>
* TangibleKeyboard.setLayout('ipac2');
* TangibleKeyboard.on(
* '1RGHT',
* {
* onKeyDown: function(e, keys, combo) { console.log(e); }
* }
* );
* </script>
* That's it.
* If you are using AMD or CommonJS, there's an extra step. You will need to
* explicitely register and assign the layout. Here's an example with AMD:
* define(function (require) {
* var tk = require('tangiblekeyboard');
* var layout = require('layouts/tangiblekeyboard.layout.ipac2');
* tk.registerAndSetLayout("ipac2", layout);
* tk.on(
* '1RGHT',
* {
* onKeyDown: function(e, keys, combo) { console.log(e); }
* }
* );
* });
* #### Warning ####
* The I-PAC 2 uses the <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MAME">MAME</a> key mappings
* by default. This means that the `1STRT` input actually behaves like a shift key and
* modifies the key assignment of other inputs when activated. It also means that this
* input will trigger both down and up callbacks at once when released. If you are not
* building a MAME-type arcade simulator, I would urge you not to use this input.
* @module layouts
* @class TangibleKeyboard.layouts.Ipac2
(function(scope) {
'use strict';
var layout = {
* An enumeration object containing keycode-to-identifier mappings. For example,
* `map["9"]` contains the array `["2A"]`. This means that listening to the "2A"
* key selector will actually listen for events triggered from pressing a key with
* a keycode of 9.
* * 9: 2A -> tab
* * 13: 1B -> enter
* * 16: 1SW4 -> left shift
* * 17: 1SW1 -> left control
* * 18: 1SW2 -> left alt
* * 27: 2B -> escape
* * 32: 1SW3 -> space
* * 37: 1LEFT -> left arrow
* * 38: 1UP -> up arrow
* * 39: 1RGHT -> right arrow
* * 40: 1DOWN -> down arrow
* * 49: 1STRT -> 1
* * 50: 2STRT -> 2
* * 53: 1COIN -> 5
* * 54: 2COIN -> 6
* * 65: 2SW1 -> a
* * 67: 1SW7 -> c
* * 68: 2LEFT -> d
* * 70: 2DOWN -> f
* * 71: 2RGHT -> g
* * 73: 2SW5 -> i
* * 74: 2SW7 -> j
* * 75: 2SW6 -> k
* * 76: 2SW8 -> l
* * 80: 1A -> p
* * 81: 2SW3 -> q
* * 82: 2UP -> r
* * 83: 2SW2 -> s
* * 86: 1SW8 -> v
* * 87: 2SW4 -> w
* * 88: 1SW6 -> x
* * 90: 1SW5 -> z
* * 192: ` -> grave accent
* @property map
* @type Object
"map": {
"9": ["2A"], // tab
"13": ["1B"], // enter
"16": ["1SW4"], // left shift
"17": ["1SW1"], // left control
"18": ["1SW2"], // left alt
"27": ["2B"], // escape
"32": ["1SW3"], // space
"37": ["1LEFT"], // left arrow
"38": ["1UP"], // up arrow
"39": ["1RGHT"], // right arrow
"40": ["1DOWN"], // down arrow
"49": ["1STRT"], // 1
"50": ["2STRT"], // 2
"53": ["1COIN"], // 5
"54": ["2COIN"], // 6
"65": ["2SW1"], // a
"67": ["1SW7"], // c
"68": ["2LEFT"], // d
"70": ["2DOWN"], // f
"71": ["2RGHT"], // g
"73": ["2SW5"], // i
"74": ["2SW7"], // j
"75": ["2SW6"], // k
"76": ["2SW8"], // l
"80": ["1A"], // p
"81": ["2SW3"], // q
"82": ["2UP"], // r
"83": ["2SW2"], // s
"86": ["1SW8"], // v
"87": ["2SW4"], // w
"88": ["1SW6"], // x
"90": ["1SW5"], // z
"192": ["`"]
* An array of all macros defined by this layout. Please note that the I-PAC 2
* only sends the resulting key and not all keys in the macro sequence. This is
* different from how most regular keyboards work.
* * 1STRT + 2STRT : 2B
* * 1STRT + 1RGHT : 2A
* * 1STRT + 1LEFT : 1B
* * 1STRT + 1UP : ` or grave
* * 1STRT + 1DOWN : 1A
* * 1STRT + 1SW1 : 1COIN
* @property macros
* @type Array
"macros": [
// Those are hardcore macros. The Ipac2 will only send the resulting key (not
// 1STRT then 2STRT1, for example).
['1STRT + 2STRT', ["2B"]],
['1STRT + 1RGHT', ["2A"]],
['1STRT + 1LEFT', ["1B"]],
['1STRT + 1UP', ["`", "grave"]],
['1STRT + 1DOWN', ["1A"]],
['1STRT + 1SW1', ["1COIN"]]
// AMD/RequireJS
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define([], function () {
return layout;
// CommonJS
else if (typeof module !== 'undefined') {
module.exports = layout;
// Global
else if (scope.TangibleKeyboard) {
scope.TangibleKeyboard.registerLayout('ipac2', layout);