I’m releasing today a beta version of my new ChromaTracker ActionScript 3 library. This library allows the tracking of blobs of color within any DisplayObject. Of particular interest is the ability to track colors within live video feeds such as those from webcams.
To use it, you simply create a ChromaTracker object and specify a color to track. Then, you repeatedly call the track() function to recuperate a rectangle object representing the outer edge of the detected color zone. You can also grab a single point which represents the center of the detected zone.
I can think of many uses for such a library and I hope you will too. Personnaly, I plan on using it with my students to develop physical computing installations and games. Let me know what you end up creating with the library by leaving a comment below.
You can download it on the ChromaTracker page. This is also were you will find all you need to get started : library, sample code and API reference.
This is a beta version therefore all comments are welcome. Help me make it great!