This TouchDesigner component watches for mouse movement above a certain threshold. The typical use case is to display a configuration window when the mouse is moved. This makes it easy for casual users to access your project’s configuration options without diving deep into the network.

WEBMIDI.js helps you tame the Web MIDI API. Send and receive MIDI messages with ease. Control instruments with user-friendly functions (playNote, sendPitchBend, etc.). React to MIDI input with simple event listeners (noteon, pitchbend, controlchange, etc.).
HPGL Library

A Node.js JavaScript module to communicate with HPGL-compatible plotters and printers.
Phidgets Library

A Node.js JavaScript module to interface with the Phidgets line of hardware boards.

TangibleKeyboard is a flexible and easy to use keyboard binding library. It allows users to attach events to key presses and key combinations without having to worry about conflicts. It is a spin-off of the nice KeyboardJS library created by Robert Hurst.

The FullScreenManager object offers a unified API for working with the experimental “fullscreen” mode of various modern browsers. As you may know, cross-browser differences complicate this matter. This library is an attempt at simplifying the developer’s job in this regard.

If you are looking for a metronome to keep precise timing in an ActionScript application, look no further. I give you: Metronome. It has a precision of ± 10 ms. (about 0.03% at moderate tempos) and never, ever drifts away from the master clock.

The AirBag library allows the pixel-precise detection of collisions amongst a list of DisplayObjects (MovieClips, Sprites, Bitmaps, TextFields, Videos, etc.). It supports the exclusion of color ranges as well as a user-definable alpha threshold below which collisions won’t be triggered. The DisplayObjects do not even have to share the same parent for the library to […]

CssLiveUpdate updates the page’s CSS styles with the textual content of the HTML element(s) it’s watching. This makes it very easy to create a CSS demo page where any CSS typed into a form field is added in the head of the page via a style tag. It is meant to be used for CSS […]

SoftKeyboard is an ActionScript 3 library that allows the creation of on-screen virtual keyboards. It extends the Feathers UI Components suite which itself is based on the Starling Framework.

The Jmulator ActionScript 3 helper library has been created to facilitate the usage of keyboard emulators (also called keyboard encoders) in ActionScript. While I mostly use it in physical computing setups, I’m sure it could be used in various other environments.

The ChromaTracker ActionScript 3 library has been created to detect and track blobs of color in any DisplayObject. It is typically used to track colors in a live video camera (webcam) feed.